a white background with a few lines on it

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance for business protection

Safeguard your business with general liability coverage

At Jacobs Insurance Solutions, we recognize that even a small incident can lead to significant financial consequences for your business. General liability insurance protects your company from claims involving bodily injury, property damage, and legal expenses. Request a general liability insurance proposal today and shield your business from potential liabilities.

A man is holding a shield with a check mark on it.

Bodily Injury Liability

Bodily injury liability can cover medical expenses, legal fees, and damages if someone is injured on your business property or as a result of your operations.

A black and white icon of a person holding a shield with a dollar sign on it.

Property Damage Liability

Property damage liability protects your business if you accidentally damage someone else’s property while performing business operations

A pair of hands holding a shield and a gavel.

Personal and Advertising Injury Liability

Personal injury and advertising Injury coverage protects your business from claims of damage to an individual or business due to reputational harm. This coverage helps protect against claims of defamation, slander, libel as well as theft of intellectual property rights.

A man is holding a shield with a check mark on it.

Bodily Injury Liability

Bodily injury liability can cover medical expenses, legal fees, and damages if someone is injured on your business property or as a result of your operations.

A black and white icon of a person holding a shield with a dollar sign on it.

Property Damage Liability

Property damage liability protects your business if you accidentally damage someone else’s property while performing business operations

A pair of hands holding a shield and a gavel.

Personal and Advertising Injury Liability

Personal injury and advertising Injury coverage protects your business from claims of damage to an individual or business due to reputational harm. This coverage helps protect against claims of defamation, slander, libel as well as theft of intellectual property rights.

Some basic information that can help you better plan ahead.

  • What does general liability insurance cover?

    General liability insurance covers claims related to bodily injury, property damage, and personal injury and advertising damage. It protects your business from financial losses resulting from accidents, injuries, and other unforeseen events.

  • Is general liability insurance required for my business?

    While not always legally required, general liability insurance is important for most businesses to protect against potential lawsuits and claims. Many clients and partners may also require you carry liability coverage. Our agents can assist with general liability insurance coverage to protect your business and meet contractual obligations.

  • How much general liability insurance coverage does my business need?

    The amount of coverage required varies based on your industry, business size, and overall risk management strategy. Jacobs Insurance Solutions is here to help you assess your unique risks and offer a range of coverage options to choose from.

Protect your business from risks with tailored general liability insurance

Jacobs Insurance Solutions offers customized general liability insurance to protect your business from claims involving bodily injury, property damage, and personal injury and advertising damage. Contact us today to get a personalized general liability insurance proposal to help shield your business from the unexpected.

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